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The Best SAD Lamps for Seasonal Affective Disorder and How to Use Them

Time:2022-07-28 Views:853
The Best SAD Lamps for Seasonal Affective Disorder and How to Use Them
What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?
There are two types of SAD: wintertime and summertime. SAD affects people differently, but the symptoms may vary based on the type of SAD.
Symptoms of wintertime SAD include:
  • daytime fatigue
  • difficulty concentrating
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • increased irritability
  • lack of interest in social activities
  • lethargy
  • reduced sexual interest
  • unhappiness
  • weight gain
Symptoms of summertime SAD include:
  • agitation
  • difficulty sleeping
  • increased restlessness
  • lack of appetite
  • weight loss
In severe cases, people with SAD may experience thoughts of suicide.

Do SAD lamps work?
SAD lamps simulate sunlight, which helps trigger the brain to release serotonin, often called the feel-good hormone.

StudiesTrusted Source show that using light therapy during periods when daylight hours are short can help adjust your circadian rhythm, the body’s process for regulating your sleep-wake cycle. This is beneficial for improving mood and reducing symptoms of depression.

Light therapy has become an accepted practice for alleviating SAD and other conditions such as:
  • jet lag
  • dementia
  • circadian rhythm sleep disorders
How to use a SAD lamp for seasonal affective disorder
  • Don’t start using a SAD lamp without your doctor’s approval. This is especially important if you have a diagnosis such as bipolar disorder, glaucoma, or lupus.
  • Always get the green light from your doctor if you’re taking prescription medications of any kind, including antipsychotics and antidepressants. Keep in mind that some prescription medications and over-the-counter supplements can make your skin photosensitive, requiring an adjustment to your use of the lamp. These medications include lithium, some acne drugs, and St. John’s wort.
  • Use the lamp daily. You can use it until daylight hours increase.
  • Experiment with time frame. Many people find benefits from as little as 20 minutes of use. Others require 60 minutes, which is typically considered the highest exposure you should get.
  • Consider when to use it. Many experts recommend using a SAD lamp first thing in the morning. Your doctor might also recommend that you use it during the day. Keep in mind that more isn’t always better. Overuse of a SAD lamp can produce insomnia or other side effects.
  • Follow manufacturer recommendations for position. Your lamp should come with recommendations for how close you should position yourself to it. This is very important, as your distance from it will affect the lamp’s lux capacity.
  • Position the lamp so that it’s providing you with downward light. This will ensure that it doesn’t shine directly into your eyes.
  • Talk with your doctor about how to best stop using the lamp. It may be most appropriate for you to wean yourself off slowly. Spending time outdoors, especially in the mornings, can help this process.
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